Membership 2021-2022
Our society offers two types of memberships. Please read the details below to choose the one most adequate to your needs! Whilst there are two membership options: free and paid, if you like our society, please consider supporting us by taking our premium membership to bring you more amazing events!
Standard membership (Free):
The Student Union introduced this membership last year following covid guidelines. This membership enables students to join in on activities anywhere around the world.
What this gives you access to:
Online events
Open to all events
Voting rights
Please note that our in-person and exclusive events will be prioritised and sometimes reserved for our premium members due to changes in funding. For premium events, tickets will be available for purchase for any remaining places if you have a standard membership.
Premium membership (10£):
On top of the rights mentioned under the Standard membership, this gives you access to:
Prioritised access to all events
*Free access to our special events: embassy visits, embassy dinners etc.
Right to vote and present yourself in elections.
Right to participate in The Diplomacy review and apply for positions.
Prioritised access to any partnership events.
*If an event is particularly costly or large-scale, we may impose a paying ticket but premium members will pay less than others.
Both of these can be found on the UCL Student Union page.